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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

when corruption is higher than 100, the possibility of masturbation in the classroom is displayed even with zero arousal - is this intended or is it a bug?

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alex does.nt do any thang and all he talkes about is his apt. and the boss at the comp .all he does is could you were some thang  sexey. like  need more clos. maybe fine a better place to live .more jobes

is there a way to lower drunk levels I keep having to reload saves when I drink with Julia because I get blackout drunk and get stuck in a loop and it just keeps saying I got blackout drunk

you should have a button "Try to go back to your appartment", which is below the following text:

"As you stir from unconsciousness, you realize that you're lying in a dark, damp alleyway. The rough pavement presses against your skin, and the smell of garbage makes you gag. You struggle to your feet, trying to piece together the events of the night before. Vague memories of alcohol, laughter, and music flash through your mind. You realize that you must have gotten completely wasted and wandered away from the bar.

Your head is pounding, and your mouth feels like sandpaper. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the nausea only intensifies."

then you have a 1/5 chance of running into a sequel at the Apparel Store, Julie should say "Hey cutie, last time was great. I have a crazy idea, wanna meet later at the Supermarket?"

    <<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> My cloths aren't comfortable enough go for  a run.<</say>>

displays even when energy is low - it's confusing when this is displayed even though comfort is sufficient

$alexNameChange is called "Adam" in some conversations

(especially on restaurant dates)

<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/skirtTore.png">'>>

the picture is in another folder

in the "acceptDrinkOffice" section is a button that returns the character to "Library" instead of "Office"

a lot of covers contain "Lyndsey"

but I guess it should be "$firstname"


Yes, will be fixed :) 

I guess it's useless to have two buttons with the same function at the same time

(if I'm not mistaken, it's at all locations at closing time)


Yeah this is not needed, will be removed 😊

<<button [[Bet you enjoyed the show|Appartment]]>>

  <<set $alexObey = false>>  

      <<addEnergy -10>>

  \<<set $Arousal to  Math.clamp(0 ,0,100)>>



c</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="120" ...

\<<if $gameDate.getHours() <= 17 && $gameDate.getHours() > 22>>

it seems to me that this condition does not work - at any time I get:

<<say $alexNameChange 'images/profiles/alexNeighbor.png'>>Hey, $firstname. I did not expect you to come over. Want a drink?<</say>>

<<if $alexNameChange != "Master">>

can this situation even occur?


yes this situation happens if he hasn't told you yet to call him Master ;)

how? if I understood the code correctly, this situation can occur only if $randomObey = 0 (<<switch $randomObey>><<case 0>>)

but if I understand it all correctly, $randomObey can only take on values 1 to 4 (<<set $maxObeyAlex to Math.clamp((Math.round($AlexAttraction / 3)), 1, 4)>><<set $randomObey = random(1, $maxObeyAlex)>>)


Oh you are right, this will come in next version. Nearly forgot that this was not done in the current version 


You are right, I fix this :) 

(1 edit)

Hey Cybot! I'm a little confused, Julia is in the library and wants to show me the secret basement but when i go to the basement i can only start a shift and nothing else, is this a bug or am i dumb? thx :D

Hey, no you are not dumb, Julia seems a bit confused, I try to improve the logic here,  I tried it and should work with the next update better :)

Alright, thanks!

(1 edit)

bugs I encountered in "WorkBar"

First of all, isn't the following part missing?

\<<if ndef $barIncident>>

\<<set $barIncident to 0>>


in some conversations with "customer" the second ">" is missing and the conversation is not displayed. Example:

<<say 'Customer' 'images/profiles/barIncident.png'>Sure, what's up?.<</say>>

third, "workBar2.png" does not exist.


the image was just misnamed, but this will be fixed :) 

The Customer should now speak properly :P 

but officeManager.png does not exist

now I'm sure d-:

workingOffice 0-3 .png does not exist too

at one point in the code it checks "if $restaurantIncident > 5", but nowhere is this value incremented, the only indication of incrementing is "set $restaurantIncident to $restaurantIncident + 0"

even if the corruption is above 70, only the first two situations occur when running in the park.

(I've tried this over a hundred times)

(1 edit)

 the name of the picture is "runningPark3.png"

<<print '<img class="imgs" src="images/scene/runiningPark3.png">'>>


thanks also found this while taking a look at the above 70 corruption issue, both will be fixed 😊😊

even the last one should probably be "Weed", right?

<<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0>>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🌿 How High:</span>

    <span style="color:#137945;font-size: 0.9em;"><<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 2>>//Slightly stoned//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 2 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 4>>//Half-baked//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 4 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 6>>//<<= "3/4">> baked//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 6 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 8>>//High as fuck//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 8>>//Up to the sky!//



you really debug this game 😂 Thanks I look into each of your comments individually 😊

I look into it :) Thank you 

<<if def $JuliaLibrary && $JuliaLibrary !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugS') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugM') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugL') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugXL')>>

        <<say "Julia" 'images/profiles/juliaAperalStore.png'>>You really need to buy one of these here. Believe me this changes everything. When you've bought one visit me in the apparel store after you... while wearing it.<</say>>


I didn't notice the option to click before, so now I'm attaching the details

What am I supposed to do?
Where should I go to see her?

I already got it... but the coincidence is terrible

She works there ;) so yes you can meet her there during her work hours 

that's what I thought, but I didn't expect it to happen until about the 50th attempt

\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 25 && random(0,9) == 0>>

1/10 chance is too small for my taste
Personally, I would have given it without determining by chance


Can u make web version of the game?

go for a second coffee at cafe and it crashes 

Thanks, I'll fix this. 😊

That would be great good game though well done so far

go for a second coffee at cafe and it crashes, still the same in the new update 0.05

Now it should work, thanks for pointing out. 😊😊

image not displayed

Already fixed for next version, but thank you :) 

Fixed with new release just published :) 

sorry to say unfortunately the second coffee goes to a blank screen and you can’t process with game so still need tweaking 

Sorry, just fixed the obvious bug first. Now its fixed, thanks for pointing out  😊

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I really enjoy what you've made here!

A few bugs:

The button for the secret library area is broken

Interaction buttons at the bar with the boss when you're a secretary are broken

While the bar bathroom signs are correct, their names in text are flipped

Completing a work day as secretary often places the player in the library


little bit embarrassing I didn't find those bugs. They will be fixed :) 

(1 edit)

i have a problem i download the game but it still in 0.0.2 even if i download it without the luncher

the files say 0.0.3 but in the game menu it say 0.0.2

will be fixed in 0.0.4 :) 


Interest Rate is completely broken in the new update. 

[number NaN] % is what the interest rate shows up as and if you wait the week, all the money you have in your bank becomes that. Which within the games measurements is basically zero.

I also literally do not know how to raise my corruption, a couple of the events seem tied to your corruption but there doesn't seem to be a way to raise it so I can't progress in any story that I've tried. 


Thanks for mentioning, i added a fix to v0.0.3 where it should work for save games as well 

mainly the story line with Julia helps with corruption currently, but I'll add new ways in the upcoming updates :) So it will get easier. 

Quick question:

basically there is almost no content at all at the moment?

In the mac version there are issues with the time: the library opens at 10 but only at 11 it is possible to enter.  Same with the café.

Yoga doesn't work, the picture won't upload and there is no blue choice buttons on that page.

It looks that the job as waitress is not possible because you can't find the place where the interview happens.

It has potential to be a great game for sure, graphics looks good, storywise can't tell at the moment.

Thanks I look into the problem with the opening times.

To be honest, yoga was not planed to be in this release. So yea this is a dead end which will be fixed for the next release :) 

For the Waitress you have to talk to the cafe manager, maybe it should be called different, I take a look how i can clearify this :) 

Storywise there are some random encounters which open the Story. 

Spoiler: The disco is the longest story line till now 

(1 edit)

There is one more bug they didn't report. I was going to report the same issues with places not opening on time lol. I already started work at cafe on first day I looked for job. The bug they didn't report is in the park when the main character catches a couple making out. It says voyerisim (However it's spelled) isn't defined. I just came across another bug. In the cafe when you finally let the guy continue, the corruption does not go up.

Also, I don't know if it's part of the bar. But when you're at the bar with Julia, it's like she's making you spend all your money. When you leave the bar and go back, she's still there saying "I'm still ahead of you" it's like a loop.

Maybe you need to go further? ;) But indeed, its a really expensive Shot to get drunk. I will add a happy hour :)

Hey Thanks for reporting, found the Problem :) 

No problem. When I play these games, I play them like I'm debugging my own games lol.

and i found that in the bar, the toilets are named with "visit nearby park"

and yes, i discovered some storyline. But the grinding is very, well grindy...

and the groping episode in the bar, if you choose to talk you get

Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<say>>

messages when the guy is talking

Thanks I'll fix this :)

Oh pretty nice park. Yea should not be named like this :) 

(1 edit)

You know, I have always been a fan of games such as Orwell, Duskwood, Simulacra, or even Scrutinzed and Welcome to the game, to name a few and in the moment you game poped up, I was so excited for it! I came with the very highest expectations and I can tell you that you did not disappoint. I will probably spend quite some more time on it today and in the future. It is great to see someone finally picking up this amazing text based genre!! thank you, I had so much fun, that my poor try to express it doesn't even sound honest anymore lol. 

Thanks I appreciate your words, I hope the next updates I planed will make you enjoy even more :) 

I can't wait to see them!! You sure found a follower and a fan in me!! ♥

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